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Rooms and flats for university students
The Advisory Service publishes online the ads of unibz students or those of incoming exchange students looking for an appropriate accommodation.
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Zimmer und Wohnungen für Universitätsstudierende
Die Studienberatung veröffentlicht Angebote für Studierende der unibz oder jene Anfragen von Studierenden, die während des Studiums oder im Rahmen eines Austauschprogrammes an der unibz auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnmöglichkeit sind.
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Stanze e appartamenti per studenti universitari
Il Servizio orientamento pubblica offerte di alloggi per studenti o richieste che pervengono da parte di studenti dell'unibz che cercano un posto alloggio idoneo per la durata dei loro studi o nell’ambito di un programma di scambio presso il nostro ateneo.
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Attenzione alle truffe! Non rispondete ad offerte di stanze o appartamenti che richiedono versamenti di somme di denaro in anticipo se non è una vera cauzione!

Aufgepasst! Antwortet nicht auf Wohnungs- und Zimmerangebote, welche eine Geldüberweisung im Voraus verlangen. Es handelt sich dabei um Betrugsfälle! Damit ist nicht die Kaution gemeint!

Beware of scam ads! Don’t trust any room offers which contain requests of money to be transferred in advance! We do not mean the deposit!

5 agosto 2024

BX: Looking for a room in familiar shared flat

Hi there! :) I’m Clara, 23 years old from Germany and I will be starting my Masters Degree in Eco Social Design at unibz in September. Therefore I’m looking for a room in a shared flat with openminded roommates who are interested in doing things like cooking, exploring the gorgeous surroundings of Bolzano or other stuff together. I have already lived in shared apartments for the last four years and have found a very family-like home with incredibly great people in my current one, I really hope to find another shared flat like this! I am tidy, openmindes and spontaneous and always up for a beer, wine or coffee and conversations about life and the world. My head is often all about traveling and, when the weekend is just around the corner, evening plans as well. Otherwise, I like to cook and bake vegetarian/vegan and, according to my friends, make the world's best cinnamon rolls. I'm also very creative, interested in topics like feminism, alternative lifestyles like communes or eco-villages and I really enjoy organizing things like clothing swap parties, raves or other joint activities. Otherwise, I love skiing, surfing, bouldering, road cycling or doing yoga and I'm really looking forward to being able to do all of that in the mountains on my doorstep soon. If this sounds like your vibe, I would be very happy to hear from you, any offers would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to reach out with any questions :) Greetings from Germany, Clara :) Contact: +491747990455 & if you're curious, here's my Instagram as well: @claradolder