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Rooms and flats for university students
The Advisory Service publishes online the ads of unibz students or those of incoming exchange students looking for an appropriate accommodation.
To publish your offer or request send your ad to
Zimmer und Wohnungen für Universitätsstudierende
Die Studienberatung veröffentlicht Angebote für Studierende der unibz oder jene Anfragen von Studierenden, die während des Studiums oder im Rahmen eines Austauschprogrammes an der unibz auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnmöglichkeit sind.
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Stanze e appartamenti per studenti universitari
Il Servizio orientamento pubblica offerte di alloggi per studenti o richieste che pervengono da parte di studenti dell'unibz che cercano un posto alloggio idoneo per la durata dei loro studi o nell’ambito di un programma di scambio presso il nostro ateneo.
Invia il tuo annuncio a .

Attenzione alle truffe! Non rispondete ad offerte di stanze o appartamenti che richiedono versamenti di somme di denaro in anticipo se non è una vera cauzione!

Aufgepasst! Antwortet nicht auf Wohnungs- und Zimmerangebote, welche eine Geldüberweisung im Voraus verlangen. Es handelt sich dabei um Betrugsfälle! Damit ist nicht die Kaution gemeint!

Beware of scam ads! Don’t trust any room offers which contain requests of money to be transferred in advance! We do not mean the deposit!

15 dicembre 2023

BZ: Zimmer zu vermieten

Das Zimmer ist groß mit Zugang zum Balkon und einen großen Fenster mit Gartenblick. Es wird mit 29.02.2024 frei und kostet 550,00 € + 120,00 € Spesen.
Siehe Foto 8 und Foto 9 auf dem Yost-Portal

13 dicembre 2023

BZ: room for rent

Hello everybody, in our apartment a double room will be free from the first of March 2024 until the end of August. The apartment is located in Via dei Cappuccini, less than 5 minutes by foot to the university. There is a very big kitchen with plenty of space to cook and have dinners with friends. Next to the kitchen, there is a terrace with a view. There is also a small but cozy livingroom with a big sofa. The room has two comfortable beds, a big wardrobe and a huge window that lights the space.
The apartment is shared with other two flatmates: Nicola (me) and Calum. We are looking for an outgoing and fun person who is also tidy and clean. The room would be perfect if you know already someone with wich you could share it, but also if you are alone and willing to share it with someone contact me, might be the beginning of a new friendship. If interested contact me on whatsapp: 3206054879

BX: affittasi stanza a studentessa

Bressanone: stanza per studentessa. Solo per studentessa si sta liberando un'ampia stanza indipendente, luminosa con bagno e uso cucina a partire da gennaio 2024 fino all'estate. Si trova a 10 minuti a piedi dall'università. Costo: euro 350,00 al mese più spese. Per informazioni telefonare ore 19-20. tel. 0472836426

12 dicembre 2023

BZ: Wohnung zu vermieten (Sarnthein)

Vermiete im Zentrum von Sarnthein helle  möblierte 60qm Wohnung (Neubau) bestehend aus Wohnküche, Bad, Abstellraum zwei kl. Zimmer, kl. Loggia alle 30.min Busverbindung nach Bz für mehr Infos bitte Pn 3408956877