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Rooms and flats for university students
The Advisory Service publishes online the ads of unibz students or those of incoming exchange students looking for an appropriate accommodation.
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Zimmer und Wohnungen für Universitätsstudierende
Die Studienberatung veröffentlicht Angebote für Studierende der unibz oder jene Anfragen von Studierenden, die während des Studiums oder im Rahmen eines Austauschprogrammes an der unibz auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnmöglichkeit sind.
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Stanze e appartamenti per studenti universitari
Il Servizio orientamento pubblica offerte di alloggi per studenti o richieste che pervengono da parte di studenti dell'unibz che cercano un posto alloggio idoneo per la durata dei loro studi o nell’ambito di un programma di scambio presso il nostro ateneo.
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Attenzione alle truffe! Non rispondete ad offerte di stanze o appartamenti che richiedono versamenti di somme di denaro in anticipo se non è una vera cauzione!

Aufgepasst! Antwortet nicht auf Wohnungs- und Zimmerangebote, welche eine Geldüberweisung im Voraus verlangen. Es handelt sich dabei um Betrugsfälle! Damit ist nicht die Kaution gemeint!

Beware of scam ads! Don’t trust any room offers which contain requests of money to be transferred in advance! We do not mean the deposit!

14 gennaio 2022

BZ: Looking for an accommodation

Hello! My name is Ibon and I´m a 21 year old guy from Spain. I study business management in Bilbao and I will be staying in Bozen from February to the end of the summer semester. However, I am still looking for an accommodation; I don't mind the type of accommodation, as long as it's not too expensive.  I had roommates before so I'm used to having them, I speak Spanish, English and Basque and I´d like to learn some Italian. I would be happy to share a flat with someone, message me if you are interested. :) My email is and the phone is +34 697723918

13 gennaio 2022

BZ: affittasi appartamento - flat to rent

Affittasi appartamento in centro Bolzano. Periodo dal 01.03.22 - 30.06.22, solo a referenziati, preferibilmente studenti/specializzandi/tirocinanti o staff. Centralissimo, 5 minuti dall'università e dalla stazione ferroviaria/autobus. Confortevole e spazioso, 2 camere doppie, salotto e cucina. Prezzo mensile € 1.400,00 (tutto compreso). Info: INFO: 3475137352   (10.00-17.00)

Flat to rent in the centre of Bolzano. Period: 01.03.22 - 30.06.22, references required, preferibly students/postgraduates or staff. Very central, 5 minutes from the university, train/bus stations. very spacious and comfortable. 3 double bedrooms, sitting-room, kitchen. monthly price € 1.400,00 (all inclusive). INFO: 3475137352   (10.00-17.00)

BZ: Zimmer gesucht - looking for a room

Moin, mein Name ist Ole Ahrlich und ich werde ab dem nächsten Semester für ca. ein halbes Jahr ein Auslandssemester an der Uni Bozen bestreiten. Ich suche daher ein Zimmer, welches ich ab ungefähr Mitte Februar benötige und bis einschließlich Juli 2022 anmieten würde. Zurzeit studiere ich Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität in Bremen (Germany). Ich werde nächste Woche 24 und würde in Bozen gerne in meiner Freizeit Ski- oder Snowboard fahren, in den Bergen wandern gehen oder natürlich auch das ein oder andere Bier trinken gehen. Generell bin ich erstmal offen für alles. Die monatliche Miete sollte EUR 500,- nicht überschreiten. Falls Interesse besteht und noch ein Zimmer bei dir/euch in diesem Zeitraum frei sein sollte, kannst du mir gerne schreiben, sodass man sich eventuell nochmal näher austauschen könnte. Alternativ kannst du mir auch direkt bei Whatsapp unter +49 15229605780 schreiben. Ole :)

Hello, My name is Ole Ahrlich and I will be studying abroad at the University of Bolzano for about half a year starting next semester. I am therefore looking for a room, which I would need from around mid-February and would rent up to and including July 2022. I am currently studying Business Administration at the University of Bremen (Germany). I'll be 24 next week and would like to spend my free time in Bolzano skiing or snowboarding, hiking in the mountains or, of course, drinking a beer or two. In general I'm open minded to everything. The monthly rent should not exceed EUR 500. If you are interested and there is still a room available at your place during this period, you are welcome to write to me so that we can possibly talk in more detail. Alternatively, you can also write me directly on Whatsapp at +49 15229605780. Ole :)

BZ: Zimmer gesucht - looking for a room - cercasi stanza

Zimmer in einer Wohngemeinschaft gesucht - von Mitte Februar bis Mitte Juli. Mein Name ist Christian Keufner und derzeit studiere ich im Master an der Universität Kassel Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften. Im Rahmen dieses Studiums werde ich ein Semester im schönen Bozen verbringen und suche daher ein Zimmer ab Mitte Februar bis Mitte Juli. Ich bin 27 Jahre alt und arbeite neben meinem Studium in einer IT-Beratung und habe ein gesichertes und ausreichendes Einkommen. Meine Freizeit verbringe ich mit Kommilitoninnen, beim Tennisspielen oder in der Natur. Kontakt: 

Room in a shared apartment wanted - from mid-February to mid-July. My name is Christian Keufner and I am currently studying Sustainable Management in the Master's program at the University of Kassel. As part of this study I will spend a semester in beautiful Bolzano and therefore I am looking for a room from mid-February to mid-July. I am 27 years old and work besides my studies in an IT-consultancy and have a secure and sufficient income. I spend my free time with fellow students, playing tennis or in nature. contact:

Cercasi stanza in un appartamento condiviso - da metà febbraio a metà luglio. Il mio nome è Christian Keufner e attualmente studio Gestione Sostenibile nel programma di Master all'Università di Kassel. Nell'ambito di questa laurea, passerò un semestre nella bellissima Bolzano e sono quindi alla ricerca di una stanza da metà febbraio a metà luglio. Ho 27 anni e lavoro in una società di consulenza informatica accanto ai miei studi e ho un reddito sicuro e sufficiente. Passo il mio tempo libero con gli altri studenti, giocando a tennis o nella natura.

11 gennaio 2022

BZ: Looking for an apartment

Hello everyone! My name is Ecaterina (age 25) and I am from Moldova. I have enrolled as a PhD student at the Faculty of Science and Technology (International PhD in Food Engineering and Biotechnology) at University of Bozen Bolzano starting from January 2022. Thus, I will spend most of the time in the lab. I am looking for a luminous apartment in Bolzano. Preferably furnished, and close to a bus station. My perfect scenario - rent a whole flat for me alone :) I am also interested in a separate room in a shared apartment. Maximum budget 900 EUR. I am a very tidy person, keep everything clean and structured. Don't make much noise. Love to read, paint, travelling and cook. Sometimes practice yoga. Most probably will have several plants in my room. Also, I am always up to communicate and have some fun. Speak English, Russian, Romanian and a bit of French and Hungarian. Don't smoke, and do not have pets. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!