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Rooms and flats for university students
The Advisory Service publishes online the ads of unibz students or those of incoming exchange students looking for an appropriate accommodation.
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Zimmer und Wohnungen für Universitätsstudierende
Die Studienberatung veröffentlicht Angebote für Studierende der unibz oder jene Anfragen von Studierenden, die während des Studiums oder im Rahmen eines Austauschprogrammes an der unibz auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnmöglichkeit sind.
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Stanze e appartamenti per studenti universitari
Il Servizio orientamento pubblica offerte di alloggi per studenti o richieste che pervengono da parte di studenti dell'unibz che cercano un posto alloggio idoneo per la durata dei loro studi o nell’ambito di un programma di scambio presso il nostro ateneo.
Invia il tuo annuncio a .

Attenzione alle truffe! Non rispondete ad offerte di stanze o appartamenti che richiedono versamenti di somme di denaro in anticipo se non è una vera cauzione!

Aufgepasst! Antwortet nicht auf Wohnungs- und Zimmerangebote, welche eine Geldüberweisung im Voraus verlangen. Es handelt sich dabei um Betrugsfälle! Damit ist nicht die Kaution gemeint!

Beware of scam ads! Don’t trust any room offers which contain requests of money to be transferred in advance! We do not mean the deposit!

20 agosto 2021

BZ: Looking for a single room

Hi! My name is Fernanda. I'm a Brazilian Ph.D. student. Starting from September, I will have a 6-month exchange period at the Faculty of Science and Technology (Unibz-Bolzano). I'm looking for a single room near the university for this period. I'm not a smoker, and I like listening to music, meeting new people, and cooking. If you have any offers, don't hesitate to contact me! Here is my number and also my email address: whatsapp: +55 32988063313

BZ: suche Zimmer

Hey, mein Name ist Kathrin und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Ab September beginne Ich mein Economics and Management Studium in Bozen und suche deshalb eine Unterkunft. In meiner Freizeit bin ich gerne mit Freunden Unterwegs, ob was Essen gehen, die Stadt erkunden oder eine spontane Reise, ich bin für alles offen. Außerdem koche ich gerne und bin passionierte Sneaker Sammlerin. Des weiteren spiele Ich Klavier und lese ab und zu mal auch gerne in Ruhe ein Buch. Als Person bin ich anfangs eher schüchtern, aber öffne mich relativ schnell in einer entspannten Atmosphäre. Ich würde mich über jeden Hinweis und jedes Angebot freuen! Lg Telefonnummer : +4915253696653  (WhatsApp immer erreichbar :) )

BZ: suche Zimmer - cercasi stanza

Hallo ich bin eine Universitätsstudentin in Bozen. Meine Kurse beginnen am 24. September 2021. Ich suche ein Zimmer in einer Wohnung mit anderen Studenten, möglicherweise in der Nähe der Universität. Danke sehr

Ciao. Sono una futura studentessa del corso magistrale di design eco-sociale a Bolzano. Inizierò le lezioni a fine settembre e sto cercando una stanza singola in un appartamento condiviso nei pressi dell’università. Grazie mille

BZ: Zimmer zu vermieten - affittasi stanza

Wir vermieten ab 1. August bis September 2021 ein grosses, sonniges Zimmer im Zentrum von Bozen. 500 Euro all inclusive. Weitere Infos über whatsapp 0039 347 2560571.
Affittiamo ampia stanza singola dal 1° agosto fino a settembre 2021, anche periodi brevi. 500 Euro compreso tutto (anche Wlan). Per info mandate un whatsapp a 0039 347 2560571

BZ: Looking for a single room

Good morning! I'm a new Design and Art student. My name is Matilde, I'm 18 years old and I'm searching for a room in Bolzen. More specifically, I'm searching for a single room in a shared apartment, possibly near the university, since I'm an incoming student. Furthermore, in September I'll be starting language courses, meaning that I'm also searching for a room available by that time. I consider myself an open minded person, quite a social butterfly and I'm also easy-going. I adapt very easily! I like hiking, listening to music and eating tons of chocolate :) If you have any offers don't hesitate to contact me! Here my number and also my email address: 3479911201

18 agosto 2021

Vermiete kleine Wohnung in Brixen/Affittasi piccolo appartamento a Bressanone

Vermiete kleine Wohnung in Brixen an ein oder zwei Student*innen, mit großem Wohnraum, Schlafzimmer, Küche, Bad und Dachboden.

Anfragen bitte unter: 392 583 3534, oder


Affittasi piccolo appartamento a Bressanone a uno o due studenti, con ampio soggiorno, stanza, cucina, bagno e soffitta.

Contatto: 392 583 3534 oppure

BZ: WG Zimmer gesucht/ Looking for a room in a shared appartement

Mein Name ist Matteo Baguhl, bin 19 Jahre alt und komme aus Stuttgart. Ich bin Deutschitaliener und komme nach Bozen um im Fach Ökonomie und Sozialwissenschaften mein Studium zu beginnen und um meine Italienischkenntnisse zu bessern. Ich bin sehr ruhig, geduldig und sauber und freue mich auf die neue Erfahrung in Bozen. Ich würde mich sehr über einen Platz in einer WG freuen, um neue Leute kennenzulernen und neue Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Ich könnte frühestens Ende August (ab dem 28.08) einziehen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Deutschland ;

My name is Matteo Baguhl, I am 19 years old and I am from Stuttgart. I am a German-Italian and come to Bolzano to start my studies in economics and social sciences and to improve my knowledge of Italian. I am very calm, patient and clean and I am looking forward to the new experience in Bolzano. I would be very happy about a place in a shared apartment, so that I can meet new people and gain new experiences. I could move in at the end of August (from August 28th) at the earliest. Greetings from Germany ;)


BZ: looking for a personal apartment or a single room in a shared apartment/Cerco appartamento personale o stanza singola in appartamento condiviso

Hi. My name is Sha. I am an international student. I am selected to join the PhD program at Unibz from around September/October 2021. I am looking for a place to live for the duration of my PhD in the computer science program. I am looking for a personal apartment or a single room in a shared apartment. I am a non-smoker. I like to listen to music (60s, 70s mostly). My budget is under 400 euros. If you are renting a place or know such place, please email me at 

Ciao. Il mio nome è Sha. Sono uno studente internazionale. Sono stato selezionato per partecipare al programma di dottorato presso Unibz da circa settembre/ottobre 2021. Sto cercando un posto dove vivere per la durata del mio dottorato di ricerca nel programma di informatica. Cerco appartamento personale o stanza singola in appartamento condiviso. Sono un non fumatore. Mi piace ascoltare la musica (soprattutto anni '60, '70). Il mio budget è sotto i 400 euro. Se stai affittando un posto o conosci un posto simile, inviami un'e-mail a 

Looking for a shared appartment in Bruneck, also open to create a new residential community

My name is Lilli, I’m 19 years old and from germany. In september i start studdying Tourism-, Sport- and Eventmanagment at the Free university Bozen. Im still looking for an apartment in Bruneck and hope i can find some nice opportunities here. I would love to share an apartmnt with three (more or less is also possible) people. Maximum i would pay 500€ (including hot water heating, electricity, etc.) for an appartment. To myself, I‘m an open minded person and love to meet new people! If you have an empty room, or want to open a new residental community just text me via whatsapp, facebook or send me an e-mail😊
My number is: +49 174 6302859

BZ: looking for a single room in a shared apartment

Hi, I'm Rajat! I'm 27 years old, I'm Indian and I'm a Ph.D. student in "Food Engineering and Biotechnology". Starting from November 2021, I will be a researcher at Unibz. I'm looking for a  single room in a shared apartment in  Bozen/Bolzano. I like to explore new places, meet new people, try different cuisions, play sports, etc. I'm very tidy and friendly. Thank you in advance for your help! Feel free to contact me at this address:

BZ: looking for a single room in a shared apartment / cercasi camera in appartamento condiviso

My name is Matilde, I'm 18 years old and I'm searching for a room in Bolzen. More specifically, I'm searching for a single room in a shared apartment, possibly near the university, since I'm an incoming student. Furthermore, in September I'll be starting language courses, meaning that I'm also searching for a room available by that time. I consider myself an open minded person, quite a social butterfly and I'm also easy-going. I adapt very easily! I like hiking, listening to music and eating tons of chocolate :) If you have any offers don't hesitate to contact me! Here my number and also my email address:


P.s. I'll be visiting the faculty the 20th of August, therefore I'm available for appointments that same day!


Buondì! Mi chiamo Matilde e sono una nuova studentessa del curriculum di Design e Arti. Sto cercando una camera a Bolzano, possibilmente in un appartamento condiviso e vicino all'università. A Settembre dovrò frequentare i corsi di lingua e, proveniente da un'altra regione, avrei bisogno di una camera disponibile già dai primi di Settembre. Mi considero una ragazza molto socievole, decisamente versatile e che si adatta a tutto! Mi piace fare trekking e camminare all'aperto, ascoltare la musica e mangiare un sacco di cioccolata :) Per qualsiasi offerta e/o informazione ecco il mio numero e il mio indirizzo email:


P.s. Il 20 Agosto visiterò la facoltà, quindi sono disponibile per appuntamenti anche in presenza!

BZ: WG Zimmer gesucht/ Looking for a room in a shared appartement

Hallo! Mein Name ist Lili, bin 19 Jahre alt und komme aus Österreich. Ich werde im Herbst 2021 mein Bachelorstudium "Economics and Management" beginnen. Daher suche ich nach einem WG Zimmer oder einer kleinen Wohnung in Bozen oder der näheren Umgebung mit Verfügbarkeit ab Anfang September. Ich bin eine  sportliche Person die auch gerne in ihrer Freizeit etwas unternimmt, offen für Neues ist und die Stadt kennenlernen möchte uns würde mich sehr darüber freuen, wenn meine Mitbewohner diese Interessen ebenfalls teilen. Falls ihr also noch jemanden für eure WG sucht schreibt mir gerne eine Nachricht an:

 Hey! My name is Lili, I am 19 years old and from Austria. This autumn I am going to start my studies in Economics and Management. Therefore I am looking for a room in a shared flat or a small apartment which should be situated in or near Bozen and available at the beginning of September. I'm a very sporty person that likes to do activities in her spare time and to get to know the city a bit better. Well, if you are still looking for a roommate and maybe also do share some of my interest don't hesitate to leave me a message at:

17 agosto 2021

Looking for a room in a shared apartment or a studio in Bolzano-Bozen

My name is Racheal and I am from Ghana. I will start my master studies in the University of Bolzano in September. 

For this reason I am urgently searching for a room in a shared apartment or a studio in the city of Bolzano-Bozen. (Starting from 22 September 2021

My hobbies are cooking, sightseeing, and reading. I am a friendly, clean and tidy person and always clean up after myself. I'm easy to get along/live with and outgoing.


Thank you in advance for your help and your time.

Feel free to write me at

Bruneck: Möblierte Zimmer in einer Wohngemeinschaft zu vermieten_Brunico: Affittasi camere ammobiliate in un appartamento condiviso

Möblierte Zimmer in einer Wohngemeinschaft in der Nähe des Zentrum Brunecks und der Universität zu vermieten. Küche, WC, Autostellplatz vorhanden.

Kontakt: Pörnbacher Maria Anna

  338 9091553



Affittasi camere ammobiliate in un appartamento condiviso vicino al centro di Brunico e all'università. Cucina, WC, posto auto disponibile.


Contatto: Pörnbacher Maria Anna

   338 9091553

BZ: WG Zimmer gesucht/ Looking for a room in a shared apartment

Hallo liebe Vermieter/-in, hallo lieber zukünftige/-r Mitbewohner/-in,
dieses Jahr werde ich in das wunderschönen Städtchen Bozen ziehen, um mein Studium in Sozialwissenschaften und Ökonomie beginnen.Ich bin eine unkomplizierte, offene und immer lächelnde Person, die gerne mit Menschen zusammen ist. Darum suche ich nach einem kleinen WG Zimmer in Bozen, wo wir gemeinsam unsere Studienjahre verbringen können. In meiner Freizeit bin ich immer gerne auf Entdeckungstouren mit dem Fahrrad, aber ich freue mich schon darauf das Klettern wieder für mich zu entdecken. Ich hoffe du kannst mir bei der Zimmersuche weiterhelfen. Schreibe mir gerne eine WhatsApp Nachricht, Rufe mich an oder sende mir eine email. +49 1523 180 5953
Liebe Grüße Anne

Hello dear landlord, hello dear future roommate,
this year I am going to start my study social science and economics in the beautiful city of Bozen/Bolzano. I am an easy- going open and always smiling, who loves being around people. Therefore am I looking for a nice room in a shared apartment, where we can spend our time together. In my free time do I love to go exploring on my bike, but i also want to get back into climbing.
I hope you can help me to find a room. You can text, call or send me an email. +49 1523 180 5953 
lovely greetings Anne

WG-Zimmer oder Apartment in Bruneck ab sofort gesucht!/Sto cercando un appartamento in condivisione o un appartamento a Brunico

Ich, Rosalie, 20 Jahre jung, beginne am 23.08.21 mein Bachelorstudium in Tourismus-, Sport- und Eventmanagement in Bruneck. Daher bin ich dringend auf der Suche nach einem WG-Zimmer oder einer kleinen Wohnung ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt. Ich bin eine gesellige Nichtraucherin, komme aus Oberbayern und verbringe meine freie Zeit am liebsten in der Natur und im Norden Italiens.  Ich kann es kaum erwarten, Südtirol meine zweite Heimat zu nennen und würde mich daher sehr über Rückmeldungen per E-Mail oder Telefon freuen!  Auf ein baldiges Kennenlernen, Rosalie Weber-Thedy.
+49 176 63 43 95 13

16 agosto 2021

BZ: Looking for a room in a shared flat/ Cercasi stanza in appartamento condiviso

My name is Pauli, I am a 23 year old German student and I will start my Master in "Eco-Social-Design" in Bolzano in September. Therefore, I am urgently looking for a room in a shared flat. I love living in shared flats and would like to continue this in Bolzano. I would describe myself as an open-minded, curious, versatile and communicative person who loves to be around people. That's why I'm always available for any kind of joint activities in a shared flat. Feel free to write to me, I am looking forward to all hints. My e-mail:"

Mi chiamo Pauli, sono uno studente tedesco di 23 anni e a settembre inizierò il mio Master in "Eco-Social-Design" a Bolzano. Pertanto, sto cercando urgentemente una stanza in un appartamento condiviso. Amo vivere in appartamenti condivisi e mi piacerebbe continuare a farlo a Bolzano. Mi descriverei come una persona aperta, curiosa, versatile e comunicativa che ama stare in mezzo alla gente. Ecco perché sono sempre disponibile per qualsiasi tipo di attività comune in un appartamento condiviso. Sentitevi liberi di scrivermi, sono in attesa di qualsiasi suggerimento. La mia e-mail:"


Looking for a room in Bolzano / Cercasi stanza a Bolzano

Hello, my name is Arnold (Indonesian studying in Poland). I am planning to have a short Erasmus internship at Unibz (food science) for 2 months, but so far I only get a guaranteed accommodation for only a month. Therefore, I am looking for accommodation in Bolzano (any type of room: shared/single room; mixed or not) for another 1 month, more likely from 21 September - 20 October 2021. If the accommodation is in the a village around Bolzano, just let me know, I will also consider it. I am clean, neat, quiet, and NOT smoking at all. If anyone here is looking for a flatmate or renting a bed, please contact me: +48 576537387 (What's app)/email Thank you! 

Ciao, mi chiamo Arnold (indonesiano che studia in Polonia).  Sto progettando di fare un breve tirocinio Erasmus presso Unibz (scienze dell'alimentazione) per 2 mesi, ma finora ho ottenuto un alloggio garantito solo per un mese.  Pertanto, sto cercando un alloggio a Bolzano (qualsiasi tipo di stanza: camera condivisa/singola; mista o no) per un altro 1 mese, più probabilmente dal 21 settembre al 20 ottobre 2021. Se l'alloggio è in un villaggio intorno a Bolzano,  fammi sapere, lo prenderò anche in considerazione.  Sono pulito, ordinato, tranquillo e NON fumo affatto.  Se qualcuno qui sta cercando un coinquilino o sta affittando un letto, per favore mi contatti: +48 576537387 (What’s App)/e-mail  Grazie!

BZ: Cerco camera in affitto in appartamento condiviso - Looking for a room in a shared apartment

Mi chiamo Chiara e vengo da Modena. A settembre frequenterò economia e management all’università di Bolzano e per questo cerco una camera da affittare in un’appartamento condiviso a partire da settembre/ottobre. Sono una ragazza alla mano e con voglia di fare nuove amicizie e scoprire la città. Grazie in anticipo per il vostro tempo  e disponibilità. Non esitate a contattarmi.

Looking for a room in a shared apartment in Bozen My name is Chiara and I live in Modena. In September I will be attending economics and management at the University of Bolzano and for this reason I am looking for a room to rent in a shared apartment starting from September / October. I am an easygoing girl and with a desire to make new friends and discover the city. Thanks in advance for your time and availability. Do not hesitate to contact me.

BZ: WG-Zimmer in Bozen Gesucht/ looking for a shared room in Bozen

Hey, mein Name ist Julia, ich bin 20 Jahre alt, komme aus Berlin und werde ab dem Wintersemester 2021 Economics & Management an der Uni Bozen studieren. Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem WG-Zimmer schon ab Ende August bzw. Anfang September. Ich suche eine WG, die nicht nur zum Zweck zusammen wohnt, also für gemeinsame Unternehmungen außerhalb der WG bin ich auf jeden Fall zu haben. Ich freue mich neue Leute kennenzulernen und bin mehr als gespannt, was die Stadt alles so zu bieten hat. Falls jemand also eine neue Mitbewohnerin sucht, könnt ihr euch gerne bei mir melden. Ich freue mich auch über jeden Tipp. Melde dich gerne unter der folgenden Mail: 

Hi, my name is Julia, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Berlin. I will start studying Economics & Management at unibz in September, therefore I am looking for a room from the end of August or the beginning of September. I'm looking for a shared apartment, not only for the limited purpose of sharing a flat, but to do things together outside of the apartment. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and I am really excited to see what the city has to offer.  So if you are looking for a new roommate or you know someone who does, please contact me. 

Bz: looking for a room in a shared apartment or a studio

My name is Dimitris and I am from Greece. I am 30 years old and I will start my master studies in the University of Bolzano this year.

For this reason I am searching for a room in a shared apartment or a studio in the city of Bolzano-Bozen. (Starting from the middle of September or the begin of the October 2021)
My hobbies are reading, watching movies, sports and photography. I am a friendly, clean and tidy person and always clean up after myself. I'm easy to get along/live with and outgoing.

Thank you in advance for your help and your time
Feel free to contact me:

ein WG-Zimmer in Meran gesucht/Cercasi camera condivisa a Merano

Ich heiße Martin Büchsenstein und suche ein WG-Zimmer in Meran. Da ich in Bozen studiere und in Naturns arbeite, habe ich von Meran aus die optimale Mitte für mich gefunden. Jetzt fehlt nur noch die passende Unterkunft bzw. das passende Zimmer. Das gesuchte Zimmer würde ich gerne ab dem 01.01.2022 auf unbestimmte Zeit beziehen.  Bei Interesse an einem einfachen und unkomplizierten Mitbewohner bitte melden unter der Tel.Nr.: 00491621662965 oder E-Mail:

Mi chiamo Martin Büchsenstein e sto cercando una stanza in condivisione a Merano. Dato che studio a Bolzano e lavoro a Naturno, da Merano ho trovato la via di mezzo ideale per me. Ora manca solo l'alloggio o la stanza giusta. Vorrei trasferirmi nella stanza che sto cercando dal 01.01.2022 per un periodo indeterminato.  Se siete interessati ad un coinquilino semplice e senza complicazioni, contattatemi per telefono: 00491621662965 o per e-mail:

BZ: 2 Einzelzimmer in WG in der Mühlbachpromenade in Bozen zu vermieten - affittasi 2 stanze singole in appartamento condiviso in via Rio Molino a Bolzano

2 große und helle Einzelzimmer (16 qm und 21 qm) in einer komplett sanierten (August 2021) und voll-möblierten (August 2021) WG in der Mühlbachpromenade - Stadtteil Gries – an Student*innen (vorzugsweise Master oder PHD) oder berufstätige Uniabsolvent*innen ab Mitte September zu vermieten.
Wohnung hell und ruhig, gute Anbindung an öffentlichen Nahverkehr und Fahrradnetz (ca. 7 Minuten von der Uni entfernt), Tageslicht-WC, große Gemeinschaftsküche, W-Lan, Balkon und Wasch- und Spülmaschine vorhanden. Anfragen bitte unter:

Affittasi 2 stanze singole (rispettivamente 16 mq e 21 mq) in un appartamento condiviso complettamente ristrutturato (Agosto 2021) e ammobiliato (Agosto 2021) nella tranquilla via Rio Molino – quartiere Gries – a studentesse/studenti (preferibilmente master o PHD) o a giovani lavoratrici/lavoratori laureati da metá settembre.
Appartamento luminoso e ben collegato a servizi urbani e rete ciclabile (dista ca. 7 Minuti dall universitá) con bagno finestrato, WiFi, lavatrice, lavastoviglie e balcone. Contatto:

Suche: Zimmer bis Februar / März 2022 in Bozen // Ricerca: Camera fino al febbraio / marzo a Bolzano

Ich bin Jan (24) aus Hamburg. Ich studiere im Master Betriebswirtschaftslehre und komme im Herbst für ein Auslandssemester nach Bozen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Pandemie bin ich froh darüber, herkommen zu können. Umso schöner ist, dass ich ausgerechnet im Winter hierherkomme.Daher suche ich ein Zimmer von September bis Februar / März.Ich bin offen, entspannt, unternehme gerne was und bin gerne unter Leuten. Ich spiele ab und an Fussball und mache allgemein Sport. Ich freue mich darauf, die Stadt und die Umgebung kennenzulernen. Außerdem bin ich doch sowohl ordentlich als auch nachsichtig und achte darauf, dass sich jeder wohlfühlt. Auch wenn ich Lust habe, Einiges zu Unternehmen, habe ich auch Momente, in denen ich mich zurückziehe. Ich spreche Deutsch, Englisch und Polnisch. Ich freue mich über eine Nachricht von dir / Ihnen. Am einfachsten erreicht man mich unter

I am Jan (24 yrs) from Hamburg. Currently I do a Master of Business Administration. I will make an Erasmus in Bozen starting in September. I am glad that the situation regarding the pandemic has positively changed through which I can get to know Bozen! Moreover, I am happy to stay here during the winter season! Thus I am looking for a room from September to February / March. I am open-minded and I like to do some activates, too! Sometimes I play football and do sports in generally. I looking forward to get to know the town and its surroundings and the Alps of course! Furthermore, I am reliable, tidy and indulgent. For me it is important that everyone feels good. Even though I like to do something, I have moments where I have to rest for myself. I speak German, English and Polish. I am looking forward to a message from you. The easiest way to contact me: